Thursday, 9 February 2012

HTML5 Mobile Application Development

Ooh how exciting! Look what my work has just bought for me! As the world becomes ever more mobile, we are trying to make all our web services mobile friendly. And rather go down the App route with these offerings, we made the decision that fancy mobile websites would be the more inclusive decision. We don't want to be upsetting the three Windows Mobile 7 users now do we?! And it would mean that yours truly would have to start developing for the dark side (iOS to anyone who doesn't realise that I develop Android stuff!).

An overview as I venture through this book (in slightly more than the 24 hour claim I'm sure) will be popping up on my blog.


Thomas Harrison-Lord said...

Hey, there's at least 4 Windows Phone users ;)

Anonymous said...

HTML5 is the standard to replace HTML4, however websites coded in HTML5 will only function on the latest versions of Safari, Opera or Firefox 4 and Internet explorer 9 only has partial implementation of the new standards.

Best Frameworks for HTML 5 Mobile App Development or Native Application development.
Sencha Touch
Phone Gap
jQuery Mobile
Titanium Appcelerator

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Mobile Application Development

Unknown said...

very interesting post. Thanks for sharing this to us.
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Anonymous said...

This is a superb information and you have described everything very clearly and really i got a lot from this article, Thanks for spreading this information here..
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Anonymous said...

Excellent pieces. Keep posting such kind of information on your blog. I really impressed by your blog.

Mobile Application Development India

iPhone UI Designer said...

Apart from providing great value for the users, the applications come at competitive prices to suit the budget of the end user.
Mobile Application Development

Unknown said...

HTML 5 is one of the popular language to develop mobile apps and I can say that one should have a grip over HTML 5, going for mobile application development as well as going for mobile app testing.

victoria said...

I would really like your post ,it would really explain each and every point clearly well thanks for sharing.

Mobile app Development

JB said...

Thanks for sharing..I want to know more about Mobile Application Development so please share more and more post with us.
Mobile App Developers

iCaption That said...

Amazing Post! Windows Mobile is a powerful platform for running applications on mobile devices.
iCaption That

Punk said...

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Unknown said...

yikes you mentioned 99design. Make me sad :(.

Unknown said...

Really great post, Thank you for sharing This knowledge.Thank you very much for sharing this knowledge. mobile apps

claire mackerras said...
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