Wednesday, 24 August 2011

DHCP Checker v2.4 released

After a day of testing by auth1299 (thanks once again) I am happy to release DHCP Checker v2.4. Hit the download link for your copy:

Please pass on any comments, suggestions, donations and bugs to the email address in the file or in the comments of this post.


Humdinger said...

I'm currently getting the following error

'loop without 'do' line 140

Server 2008

Any Suggestions?

Unknown said...

Try this version:

Unknown said...

I try this script on Windows 2012 but i following these error:

dhcpchecker.vbs(63, 1) ADODB.Fields: Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

dhcpchecker.vbs(98, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Type mismatch: 'ceventitime'


Josh G said...

I am also receiving the Type Mismatch error 'ceventtime' on server 2008

Randy_Randy said...

Hopefully someone is still monitoring these comments...
I was using DHCPchecker on my Windows 2003 physical domain. Have recently virutalized all under Server 2008-R2 and wanted to put the script back into operation.

I donwloaded the newest that I found from here (v2.41), made my edits etc... however the error I receive when trying to run is:

Line: 44
Char: 1
Error: A referral was returned from the server
Code: 80040E37
Source: Active Directory

Any thoughts on troubleshooting?

Randy_Randy said...

Ah. So... spelling your domain name wrong has an effect. Duh!

No longer receiving an error message. No email being generated though... :(

I connected a new system and verified in the dhcp...log file that an entry is listed.

Does it matter if my SMTP server is IIS and not Exchange? We use Office 365 so no local Exchange server.

Unknown said...

For anyone else that comes along this emails wont send until you put quotations in the objCDOmail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = "stripaddress"

I just put the ip of my Exchange server there instead of using the string and it worked.