Wednesday, 24 August 2011

DHCP Checker v2.4 released

After a day of testing by auth1299 (thanks once again) I am happy to release DHCP Checker v2.4. Hit the download link for your copy:

Please pass on any comments, suggestions, donations and bugs to the email address in the file or in the comments of this post.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

DHCP Checker v2.4 in testing

Thanks to auth1299 who kindly offered to test and help iron out bugs in v2.3 we should soon be able to release DHCP Checker v2.4. It is now only compatible with Windows Server 2008. Future versions may include IPv6 support. Anyone using that internally yet? Is there any need? If you do please get in touch and maybe we could do some testing in the future.

Friday, 12 August 2011

PhoneGap 1.0 released

A few days ago the multiple mobile OS development environment PhoneGap finally reached version 1.0. Here are a few of the technical improvements you'll find in PhoneGap 1.0:

  • Overall API stability and “pluggable” architecture
  • W3C DAP API compatibility
  • Contacts API
  • Remote debugging tools
I hope to install and test very soon. Feel free to post any findings in the comments.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Developing Mobile only websites

While working on a mobile only website, I wanted to make the site just for mobile devices (a bit like or and no matter what I did the page was always bigger than the screen of the target device. Anyway thanks to Google the answer was in their Android Developer help:

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no" />

Simple when you see it!