Friday, 25 November 2011

Xperia PLAY Review

A month or so ago I decided that I would take advantage of the recent price drop of the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play Android mobile phone. They had been dropping price quite substantially from the £349 RRP to a recent low of £129.99. I picked mine up direct from O2 for £149.99 knowing that I would be using my new favourite network GiffGaff (powered by O2).

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Mailto: 500 chars limit?

After a short period of testing this, I've found that a mailto: link only seems to accept a character limit of 500. I've Google it and found a number of 2000 should be more the case? One work around would be to put some of the addresses into the 'CC' field I suppose, but not as elegant as I would like.

So where is the limit? The browser? The e-mail client? Or is it an RFC agreed limit? Anyone got any hard facts on this one?

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Why is it the simplest things...

... stop clearly good code from working?!

Whilst trying to write a VBA piece to export a chart from Excel as a PNG with a colleague today, we spent AGES trying to get a very simple section to work (specify the file name and open the 'Save As' dialogue). After what felt like an eternity we discovered that taking the .extension off from the file name string solved the problem! Now I thought that was pretty dumb, everyone else agree?!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

GiffGaff, my new favourite network

After months of trouble with Vodafone ( I have made the permanent switch to the O2 powered network, GiffGaff. I have to say that performance has been excellent on both mobile internet and voice/SMS. In my experience they have easily put some of the bigger networks to shame, providing great value for money and service to boot. I'll continue to report my findings in the coming months.